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It really is November!

Metaphor for life?!

Dear all,

Hope you're doing well. Everyone around me keeps saying, "how is it November?!" To be honest, I feel like time hasn't passed to quickly and I'm excited for the days to be colder and shorter. It feels like the pace of life is a little slower and it's okay to not have as many life plans when the weather is awful.

Saying that, life has been more busy lately than I would have hoped for (including changing windows in our living room which is my studio space!). Because the room has been a building site for a week, I haven't had as much of a chance to weave. It made me happy to finally sit down at the loom this week after work. I felt complete and not stressed with the work I was doing. Felt like a great change!

Well, Christmas season is slowly creeping in, so I thought I would let you know about two things.

Backstrap Weaving Workshop at Make Town

Make Town is thriving in their new studio space on Vyner Street in Hackney! I visited Brooke a couple of weeks back, and the space is incredible! Set over 3 floors of a town house with a leather door. What more could you ask for?!

I'm pleased to say that I'll be back at Make Town on Saturday the 6th of January.

A perfect way to fight the January blues and distract yourself from Dry January. Plus this could be a great Christmas present for yourself or for someone else!

I'll be taking you through setting up your own backstrap loom from scratch, showing you how to balance it on your body, as well as some simple tapestry techniques. It's always a blast!


Saturday 6th January

11am - 3pm with lunch in the middle

£85 per person and an option to buy a discounted loom on the day!

Make Town, 32 Vyner St, London E2 9DQ


Have you started organising any of your Christmas presents yet? I know that I haven't!!

If you would like to gift someone something really special, why not consider ordering a woven piece with me? I love working on commissions together with my clients. What we come up with is always truly surprising and something that I wouldn't normally do!

One of my favourite commissions, Linen and wool on a mixture of paper and linen warps

I'm open to make pieces that are small or big, it's all up to you and what you need. I'm always up for talking about prices and seeing what you can afford.

If this sounds interesting to you, why not drop me an email at or reply to this email!

That's all for now. I'll be emailing you with the next part of my making musings. I'm excited for that one. There will be some chat about Frankenstein, so prepare yourselves!

Have a great rest of your week,



Workshops Workshops Workshops!

A Textile Cyborg Manifesto